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Want To Immortalize The Dead In Time For Your "Day Of The Dead" Celebration? Here's How

In Hispanic cultures, the Dia de los Muertos (or Day of the Dead) celebration precedes All Saints' Day. It is more commonly associated with All Hallow's Eve, or Halloween. People who celebrate Day of the Dead do so by honoring their deceased relatives and ancestors in various ways that are most appropriate for the occasion. If you would like to honor your deceased loves ones and ancestors in a unique Day of the Dead way, the following options might appeal to you.

Turn Some of His/Her Ashes into a Diamond or Two

Only a small quantity from the ashes of the deceased is needed to make a single diamond. You can make a single diamond pendant or ring as a form of memorial jewelry to honor that person. You could use an additional small portion to make two diamonds for a pair of earrings. Wear this diamond jewelry to your Day of the Dead family gathering to remember this person and to have him/her very close to you during this special day of festivities.

Turn Some of His/Her Ashes into Clay Jewelry

Ashes may also be made into clay, and the clay can be molded and shaped into whatever piece of jewelry you like. Once the jewelry is fired in a kiln to make the clay hard, you have immortalized a piece of the deceased that you can keep with you all year long. Pendants and bracelets work best for this type of memorial jewelry. 

Place a Tiny Bit of Ashes into an Hourglass Pendant

Only time and death separates you from family members you love. That is one of the major themes of Day of the Dead celebrations, and nowhere else is that more symbolic than in the sands of an hourglass. You could take the tiniest part of your loved one's ashes and place it within a small hourglass pendant to wear around your neck. How apropos. 

Take a Prized Piece of Jewelry Owned by the Deceased and Refit or Reshape It

Your grandmother's prized wedding ring became yours when she passed away. You can create a small tableau pendant and wear that with the ring on a chain around your neck. Melt the ring's metal down to create the memorial tableau on which you can inscribe your grandmother's name and date of her death. Take the loose stones from the melted-down ring and affix them to the metal tableau. You can also refit the stones to a new piece of jewelry all your own, symbolizing unbroken familial ties, despite the fact that the deceased is only with you in spirit.
